Although your things may look small to another person, they’re all personal. The items will be stored away for some time, and you don’t need anyone to go through or steal anything. It is for this reason that you need to ask about security before you select a self-storage unit. Security is a very personal matter and depends on both the preferences of the owners and the local crime rate. What kind of security system you choose is up to your choice.
There are many self-storage companies that have security measures in place. It may suffice to have a property fenced and cameras. Or, you could choose a facility that has video recordings, secure entrance gates, and even a manager who is on site 24 hours a day. You will need to consider what you will store and whether you will feel comfortable with the storage options provided. If you’re looking for the best self storage, visit Briliant Storage Limited for more information.
Insurance may cover the cost of replacing items. Items that have sentimental value and/or are of high value may require additional protection. Check out the storage area you’re considering. If you see holes and dark spots in the fencing or poor lighting at a store, it is likely that they are unsecure. The strength of your unit’s lock will not help you in this situation, because thieves who are determined to get into your unit can do so whenever they want.
Consider an alarm monitoring system by guards on location or by the alarm service with links to the local law-enforcement dispatch. The use of motion detectors is another good choice. There are motion detectors on some models that can detect an unlocked unit, and will notify the authorities if it’s left open.
Access for visitors makes a significant difference. It is important to have a limited access system in place so that those not renting the space do not enter and look around. The sign-in/sign-out system, along with secured access gates using access codes to renters are effective. In some newer apartments, the card used to access the unit may be swiped.
Find a facility where you can also access the emergency services in case smoke or a fire occurs. There should be no smoking on the property as it’s a well-known fire hazard. You should expect to find smoke and flame alarms in every facility.